“Well” Fed

The Sykes - Picot Agreement, Middle Eastern Map including regional issues, African Map including resources, Indigenous People Map of North America | Photos Curtesy of Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Al Jazeera, BlackHistoryStudies, and Maps101.

Take it in take it in

Turn it a profit

Quick make it grow

Before they know

Gratification in an flash

Mindsets look past

The age of consumption

Fueled by horror

Fueled by greed

Cultivated by slavery

Cultivated by genocide

To build the cookie cutter perfection we participate in today

The way we treat each other

The way we treat ourselves

A plate we've all been served

Most thoughtlessly, carelessly, or unknowingly eat daily

If you think you know what the ingredients are, check again

Meglomaniacal clouds have continued to come back to rain upon these crops

The waters from which these seeds have sewn

Have cycled through time fearfully prone

To lose thought and heart in the face of ease.

Deaf to the affected, their cries and pleas

For those above to handover the keys

To bring this reign horror to an end

As the ones they serve vilipend

Their families, livelihoods, and entire existence

Whispering "there's no point in resistance"

A plate we've all been served

Most thoughtlessly, carelessly, or unknowingly eat daily

You are what you eat, right?


Integrating The Kybalion, Part I: Expectations, Assumptions, and The All


Integrating The Kybalion, Part 2: Reflections