Shadow Work: Existential Dread

It's no surprise that most of us are facing existential dread as oligarchs continue to destroy human rights nationally and globally. While it is encouraged not to panic, that is easier said than done. Trump’s regime has only just begun, and yet the result of the imperial boomerang we were bound to face at some point. 

As capitalism hyper-normalizes exploitation of all aspects of ourselves and our lives, stripping us away from communal resources and support in the name of hyper-individualistic patriarchism, all for the wealth of the top 1%-- it’s easy to fall into the comforting weight of hopelessness. The idea that nothing you do will make a difference; why take any risk when it’s pointless. Which, by breaking your will to stand up for yourself, makes you even more exploitable. 

Escaping the grip of existential dread is no easy feat; yet it is necessary for our world’s future. Dread is fear on an extreme level; existential relates to or affirms one’s existence. Conservative capitalists believe you must “earn your living”, alluding to you not being worthy of life if you cannot earn it. Central capitalists might disagree with this morally and ethically, yet hey nonetheless implement and/or don’t fight alt-right policies. Both groups entirely skip over systematic oppression and mass exploitation. How does one reassuringly affirm their existence in a societal system that increasingly denies it? 

When the tower falls, we must sort through the pieces and rebuild. As this system increasingly fails us, we must reflect on how we contributed to and were impacted by it. From this solid ground, we can rebuild. Here are some prompts for reflecting on and working through existential dread, whether for journaling, meditating, or otherwise-

1. What does this existential anxiety demand be addressed?

2. The Serenity Prayer says, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Keeping this in mind, 

A. How is, or how can, the issue/s at hand be addressed-



B. What are some ways/techniques you can use to hold space for grief over anything you cannot control?

3. Radical is defined as “very different from the usual or traditional.” Hope is defined as “to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true,” and joy is defined as “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires” -

Utilizing your answers from question two, how can you allow radical hope and joy to shine through you into this situation? 

4. What am I grateful for right now?

For more assistance on working through overwhelm, upset, stress, and trauma, please check out my piece titled “Shadow Work Basics”. If you feel safe enough to do so, you can answer these questions down below in the comment section. Or rather, if you try these, let me know how they work for you. For more guidance, you can check out my blog or book with me on my website. As always I love you, I’m here for you, and we got this.



Shadow Work Basics