How to SHIFT OUT of "the matrix" & STICK TO IT: Four essentials to liberation from an extreme abuse survivor

When referring to the matrix, we are refering to the "systems and structures in society that keep us bound to the traditional ways of living and working. These systems can include societal norms, cultural expectations, educational institutions, and corporate structures that often prioritize profit over people. Essentially, Lit] is the status quo that many people feel trapped in, making it difficult to break free and live life on their own terms" (Shabbir, 0. (n.d.).What is the natrix and how to escape it?, LinkedIn). Since Trump has taken office, so much has changed in such a short amount of time in such a horrifying way. It's not going to get easier anytime soon. This is just the beginning of what will be a very long decade.

So first things first,

1. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

It's one thing to say that you know it's okay to not be okay. It's another thing to actually understand it, to actually embody it. Chemically speaking, survival is our strongest instinct. Taking your power back is not comfortable. It's not easy. It will test your survival mode. There may come a point where your survival mode will want to give up and you might not be able to. You might have to keep going anyways. I know that's where many already are.

There are so many ways to learn how to get comfy and familiar with survival mode. Journaling, somatics, therapy, meditation...take your pick, whatever works for you. But find something. And in that process of growth, know that you are not alone.

2. Depend on and support your community.

Now more than ever. Family, friends, hobby groups like craft groups or study groups, mutual aid groups, local coalitions, etc. There is personal as well as communal strength found in sharing your vulnerabilities and the weight of life’s burdens with others. This in itself is radical.

You know, I keep seeing the phrase "become ungovernable" on the interwebs. Every time I've seen that this past week, I think about the Black Panthers. About why the government considered them a threat, and their incredibly well organized mutual aid programs. Do not be afraid to depend on your community right now. Do not be afraid to reach out for help. Reach out to your family, your friends, your community. Strengthen your community. Actually become ungovernable. Subvert the system, create your own.

3. Read EVERYTHING they don't want you reading.

Speaking of becoming ungovernable, yes, the pen is mightier than the sword. There's a reason why they're banning books. There's a reason why Christian nationalists are pushing to shift education to be biblically based & not diverse at all. There's a reason why TikTok was bought out and now the algorithm is completely different. There's a reason why they don't like you going over to XiouHongShu.

There is information that they don't like you attaining. There is information that they are trying to hide from you that they do not want you to read and/or see. So READ UP, take notes, and PAY ATTENTION.

4. Remember, sooner or later you will have to do this work. The only way out is through.

I know that there is so much that we need to learn. I know that the work feels daunting. However, the only way out is through. It's going to take all of us. Which includes you doing your part, which is not much. It's just...being a part of your community. Because if we all can just be support and strengthen our communities, we can begin to take the power back.

There are so many resources. Expand your mind, expand your circle, expand your life.

Referenced quote, definition of the matrix:

(Shabbir, 0. (n.d.). What is the matrix and how to escape it?. LinkedIn.


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