Integrating The Kybalion, Part 3: Picking Up Good Vibes
Last we spoke, I eagerly surrendered to the now unblocked stream of my own energy, “ready for the universe's reflections to meet me along the way” (Astraluna 2024). Lying back into these flowing waters, my ego consistently and ardently inquired, “So, now what?”
Finding Nemo “Now what” | Image courtesy of KnowYourMeme
If what we’ve learned thus far is true, particularly the wisdom of the law of mentalism, then it is clichély so that the answer to that question is found within (Astraluna 2024). While the three-dimensional reality surrounding me may appear unchanged, it is understood that the energy shift within should, at some point, be mirrored outside of me. Thus, this recurring query from my ego may be better phrased as “How and when will the upcoming changes take place?” Yet, by the laws of assumption and correspondence, once again, the answer lies within. Feeling the need to gain a clearer vision of the consciousness current I am now riding, another introspective journey had been incited.
“How much happier is the blend of human nature! Conjoined to the gods by a kindred divinity, he despises inwardly that part of him in which he is earthly. All others he draws close to him in a bond of affection, recognizing his relation to them by heaven’s disposition” (Copenhaver and Trismegistus, pg. 69). While Trismegistus uses the word “earthly” here, personally, I interpret this as Freud's id, or the survival-driven “primitive instincts of the body” (Britannica 2024). The subconscious, propulsive, biological force within us all. This distinction is important to understanding how the laws of correspondence and mentalism manifest in our lives. From this perspective, compelled by the physiological need for survival, evidence of desired manifestations is probably found in physical, tangible form for most. With a matter-based outlook on one side, an energetically-based mindset brings balance to this perspective scale. The flip side of three-dimensional justifications is higher-dimensional understanding. “Like is understood by like”; “draw it to you and it will come” (Copenhaver and Trismegistus, pgs. 41 and 50).
“The Hermetic Teachings are that not only is everything in constant movement and vibration, but that the ‘differences’ between the various manifestations of the universal power are due entirely to the varying rate and mode of vibrations…every thought, emotion, or mental state has its corresponding rate and mode of vibration” (Atkinson, pgs. 86 and 90). This is the key to comprehending and applying all these universal laws that help us begin to fathom the baffling nature of how reality plays out. Atkinson explains this further quite elegantly through a comparison to music, elucidating, “just as a musical tone may be reproduced by causing an instrument to vibrate at a certain rate…[one] may be able to produce on the Mental Plane that in which science produces on the Physical Plane” (pg. 91). Recall the laws of assumption and correspondence, how that which you believe to be true is reflected outside of you. Through the Hermetic Art of Mental Transmutation, one can mentally raise their vibration to be the equivalent of that which they desire (Atkinson 91). In turn, this changes “the vibrations of material objects, or forms of energy, and thus” leads to the achievement of the emotionally requisitioned manifestation (Atkinson 91).
Ghost hunting with EMF | image courtesy of ShutterStock
From Ghost Hunters to the perplexing nature of the vast subject of physics, the mysterious air of electromagnetism has always been intriguing. Understanding the waves that weave the fabrics of reality can feel overwhelmingly incomprehensible. Yet the better we can grasp such highly complex concepts, the greater the capability to comprehend the participatory relationship that interconnects us to all that is. While “mechanical waves require the presence of a material medium in order to transport their energy from one location to another”, electromagnetic waves are defined as “waves which can travel through the vacuum of outer space” (The Physics Classroom, 2023). Similar to how The Kybalion makes its referenced vibratory comparison to music, The Physics Classroom paints a picture of how “sound waves are examples of mechanical waves while light waves are examples of electromagnetic waves.” Think back to grade school lessons of how “the visible light spectrum is the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view” (NASA 2023). How does all this affect you and me, though? Well,
“When an electromagnetic wave impinges upon the atoms of a material, the energy of that wave is absorbed. The absorption of energy causes the electrons within the atoms to undergo vibrations. After a short period of vibrational motion, the vibrating electrons create a new electromagnetic wave with the same frequency as the first electromagnetic wave.” (The Physics Classroom 2023)
Atoms, “the basic units of matter”, make up everything in the entire Universe (LiveScience 2021). Deduced from the most famous equation for almost 120 years now, Einstein himself explained that “mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing” (American Institute of Physics). That energy exchange described at an atomic level above by The Physics Classroom is happening to all of us as our brains interpret the constant electromagnetic and mechanical waves that make up the whole of reality. An interpretation that quantumly manifests sheerly from observation (Forbes 2020). Perception itself, vibrating from within, transforms the vibrations around us into the world we interact with.
This energetic insight breaks the mold most people use to understand how the universe works. Neville Goddardsaid it quite eloquently, sharing, “You and I are creatures of habit. We get into the habit of accepting as final the evidence of our senses. Wine is needed for the guests and my senses tell me that there is no wine, and I through habit am about to accept this lack as final.” He goes on to share how through the knowledge that “consciousness is the one and only reality”, one in this scenario could assume they indeed do have wine and thus bring that forth into their lives. This mimics the vibrational exchange ascertained by the laws of physics. A popular manifestation technique coined State Akin To Sleep is detailed by Goddard in this very same lecture. The first step to this practice is desire: "define your objective -- know definitely what you want.” (Goddard 1948). As the word spelling is clearly derived from the root word spell, it is commonly spiritually said that the more specific one is in their request, the more apt the universe is to provide it. The next step is to "construct an event which you believe you would encounter FOLLOWING the fulfillment of your desire" (Goddard 1948). Now, if you haven’t reflected on something you want yet, here’s where I’ll ask you to before reading further. Key to this process, envisioning oneself in the moment after achieving one’s goals places them in the mindset of its absolute tangible form. From this perspective, this aspiration is no longer some mystical thing you’re moving towards and will finally achieve; it is now a part of your life. Once this story is concocted, Nevilledetails the next step with instructions to “immobilize the physical body, and induce a condition akin to sleep”. He goes on to illustrate that by quieting the physical senses, feeling the vibrational energy of that which one is attempting to manifest becomes much easier (Goddard 1948). Offered as a solution to assist with the law of assumption, Nevilleutilizes the beautiful tool of the law of attraction throughout this process.
In Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book The Law of Attraction, Abraham delineates that this law states, “That which is like unto itself, is drawn” (pg. 24). While this may seem simple by description, there is much more at work in the grand scheme of things. Further clarifying this universal law, Hicks makes it clear that “attention to any subject amplifies it because attention to the subject activates the vibration of it and the Law of Attraction responds to the activated vibration” (Pg. 48). This vibrational interaction is scientifically exemplified by the energetic exchange found in the fundamental laws of physics which we briefly discussed.
Atomic vibration | Photo courtesy of SLAC Laboratories
Whereas Neville Goddard utilizes the law of attraction through his SATS technique, Abraham Hicks outlines five steps to applying this universal law. The first step is pretty similarly specified as Asking, articulating your desire from a spiritually empowered space (Hicks 2008). That is to say, operating from the understanding of the “expanded you”- considering how all is connected through consciousness, which underlies everything as vibrational energy in its various forms (Hicks 2008). The second step is summarized as Source Answers (Hicks 2021). Taking into account the “expanded you” laid out in their first step, Abraham shares, “All of you have the ability to do that, you are all short selling yourself and living but a shadow of life that is you when you do not take the time to manage the vibration of that is you and bring it into the equivalency of who you really are.” Recall the electrons detailed earlier, which create new waves from the energy they absorb. Reflect on the seemingly immeasurable number of electrons within and surrounding you, all interacting at this very moment. Understand that interplay is the source energy that is you expressed externally answering the source energy within you. From this point, the next step presents itself as Receiving Mode (Hicks 2021). Explaining further how the vibration of internal lack manifests in comparison to the vibration of abundance, Abraham elaborates, “You gave birth to the new idea, to the expansion, to the new becoming, just like you knew you would, and the larger part of you went over there and became it and when you don’t go you don’t feel good.” Neville Goddard pointed out how this becomes our reality with his example of evidence-based justifications (1948). Step four procedurally happens through mastery of step three (Hicks 2021). Clarified with accepting the contrasting nature of reality, Abraham illustrates the art of allowing through its opposing polar viewpoint. “There is allowing, which is going with the stream or current of who you have become, and there is disallowing, or resisting, or not going. The better you feel, the more you are allowing; the worse you feel, the more you are not cannot ever separate yourself from this stream” (Hicks 2008). From this mastery, step five unfolds through the understanding of “the value of exposure to life that will give me more clarity about something that I want” through the contrasting experience of reality’s dualistic nature (Hicks 2021).
“Law of [attraction’s] response to the powerful, evolving, expanding you creates the sensation for you like a river flowing, a powerful river flowing. Flowing to the eternal becoming of that which is you” (Hicks 2008). Synchronistically being brought back to a personal metaphor used throughout this series of essays thus far, I let go of curiosity about how and what is to be. Sinking into the now-inspiring nature of my reality, I allow space and time to truly feel my “expanded” self. With the comforting knowledge that it’s all energetic variations along the vast pole that is existence, you and I will meet again soon.
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